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Market Research Digest - 15 Jan 2003

Avaki and Globus collaborate on first standards-compliant data grid software

Avaki Corporation, a leader in commercial grid software solutions, and the Globus Project, a research and development project focused on enabling the application of grid concepts to scientific and engineering computing, today announced an agreement to collaborate on the development of OGSI-conformant grid software components for integration into Avaki Data Grid software. The results of this collaborative effort will enable Avaki to deliver the industry's first OGSI standards-compliant version of commercial data grid software. This groundbreaking agreement between a commercial grid vendor and the open grid software community represents a major advancement toward a common set of standards and interoperability, providing benefits for both Avaki customers and Globus Toolkit users worldwide.

BEA WebLogic Integration Revenue Grows 25 Percent Sequentially, Adds 60 New Customers

BEASystemsInc. the world's leading application infrastructure software company, today announced that more than 60 new customers adopted BEA WebLogic Integration(TM) in BEA's fiscal third quarter, driving a 25 percent increase in revenue for the product over the previous quarter. The success of BEA WebLogicIntegration underscores the rising market recognition that a standards-based development and integration platform is superior to proprietary and rigid offerings from traditional integration vendors.

BEA contrasts its integration platform with "traditional integration offerings" like SeeBeyond, Mercator etc

Goldman Sachs reports US IT spending down in Q4/2002

Goldman Sach's survey of major US Corporations' IT spend in Q4 2002 showed a surprising drop in Corporate IT spending. It surprised everyone, not least Goldman Sachs itself. Leaving aside the fact that the lower IT spend will reflect flat or lower revenues for some of the major technology companies for 4th qtr 2002 / 1st qtr 2003, the IT market is now forecast to decline by 1% rather than grow by a modest 2.3%.

Magic Software enters EAI market

Magic Software Enterprises, a provider of development and integration technology, and business solutions, has unveiled its corporate roadmap and three-point strategy for entering the Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) market with the delivery of its new iBOLT Integration Platform to mid-sized organizations around the globe.

read more

Magic has been best known for its application development tools (Magic eDeveloper) in the past; now they join the already overcrowded integration field

Reuters steps up cost cutting plans

REUTERS, the world's largest financial-information provider, is to axe a further 1,000 jobs as part of a new cost-cutting drive aimed at restoring flagging investor confidence. Tom Glocer, chief executive, is expected to announce the plans with the group's full-year results next month. Reuters will ditch attempts to diversify into technology services and concentrate on providing information, said industry sources.

Revenues are expected to fall by another 9% this year, forcing the company to cut costs more aggressively to stay profitable. Last year revenues fell by about 5%, with costs down about 9%. In the year ahead there will be further cuts in the company's finance, administration and software-development departments. The plethora of technology promoted by Reuters around the world will be reduced to a single global network.

Reuters' technology-focused divisions are to be slimmed down. One source said: "The company is not a technology group, and it is going to stop competing head-on with IBM and Accenture."

Glocer wants the company to concentrate on providing data - such as stock and bond prices - to individuals and banks. There are likely to be new partnership agreements with data providers, and possible takeovers.

In October Glocer launched an instant messaging system that lets traders communicate through their screens to compete with Blomberg. Tomorrow the company will hail Reuters Messaging a success, announcing that 225,000 workers have been registered with it, some by their employers. (registration required)

Siebel embraces Web services

SiebelSystems is so confident in the future of WebServices that its executive vice president of products said "in the next two or three years, if you don't embrace Web services, you won't exist as a software company." David Schmaier expects .NET and J2EE will coexist, with Web services acting as the "the lingua franca."

Sonic helps draft WS-Reliability - a draft specification for guaranteed messaging over SOAP

A group of leading IT vendors, consisting of Fujitsu Limited, Hitachi, Ltd., NEC Corporation, OracleCorp., SonicSoftware, and SunMicrosystems, today announced the publication of the WebServicesReliability (WS-Reliability) specification working draft (see links below). By providing a fundamentally more reliable transport infrastructure, WS-Reliability will help accelerate adoption of Web services, making them relevant for an even wider range of enterprise application and integration challenges.

WS-Reliability is a specification for open, reliable Web services messaging-including guaranteed delivery, duplicate message elimination and message ordering-enabling reliable communication between Web services. The reliability features are based on extensions to the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), rather than being tied to the underlying transport protocol. The specification will allow a variety of systems to interoperate reliably in a platform- and vendor-neutral manner. Following collaboration on the specification draft, the companies plan to submit WS-Reliability to a standards body on a royalty-free basis.

(See eg

Story at

... IBM, Microsoft, and BEASystemsInc have not been invited to participate in WS-Reliability thus far because of what Sun and Fujitsu execs termed differences of philosophies on royalty-free specifications and commitment to open standards.

Tangosol alliance with Isocra announced

10 Jan 03 - Tangosol and IsocraLtd announce a Strategic Technology Alliance to Deliver TangosolCoherence Clustering Capability in Isocra LiveStore.

NB - this was already evident on the Tangosol website, which claimed Isocra as a partner some time ago.

"Visit with Tangosol February 4th and 5th 2003 in the Big Apple at the Wall Street on Java Technology Show and Conference (booth #314)".

webMethods Integration Platform Named Web Services Product of the Year by Developer.Com

Web services play a vital role in WebMethods' efforts to help companies lower the cost of integration by leveraging industry standards within the webMethods integration platform. webMethods was an early pioneer in WebServices, building its platform on a service-based architecture from the company's inception. As Web services gathered industry support, webMethods continued to lead the way, pushing the development and adoption of Web services standards in an effort to make Web services a viable component in an organization's overall integration strategy.

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