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Lynton Research Digest - 25th February 2004

Data federation and reference data management - hype becomes reality?

Bloor's Phil Howard detects vendor interest building up as these segments start to go mainstream. Like the Gartner hype cycle, Howard often sees a years long gap between initial enthusiasm and eventual uptake. See IT Director: The Cycle of Hype.

Forrester ranks BPM vendors, prefers pure plays

Forrester says it has seen a big increase in [BPM] adoption levels since one-and-a-half years ago. Of the 528 IT decision makers in North America surveyed by Forrester Research, 33 percent of the firms are either using or piloting BPM technology today, up from 11 percent in mid-2002. See CRM: Forrester Ranks the Top 10 BPM Companies.

But can the pure plays keep fending off the big boys?

Informatica restates license revenues

Informatica has admitted that a review has discovered that it has consistently mis-stated license revenues since 1999. New numbers for prior years won't be produced, but the impact for 2003 was to overstate license revenue by about $3.5m and understate services revenue by about $2.5m; overall revenue was overstated by just under $1m.

See The Street: Informatica Adjusts 2003 Earnings.

Iona launches Artix Mainframe

Artix Mainframe is intended for enterprises with extensive investments in either IMS, or CICS, or both. IONA's product extends the life and value of these mainframe systems by making it easy for mainframe developers to expose IMS and CICS COMMAREA transactions as Web services in a larger service-oriented architecture. See Computer Business Review: Iona Opens Up the Mainframe.

Pegasystems goes Java at last

Long-time business rules and process management software maker Pegasystems Inc. released its first Java-based platform earlier this month. PegaRules Process Commander V4 supports XML and browser-based development, and JSR-94 and JSR-168 portal plug-in support is also available. See ADTmag: Pegasystems rules engine goes Java.

Perhaps ILOG and Fair Isaac's Blaze division will start to get a bit of a run for their money now...

Semantic Web takes two steps forward

Final W3C approval earlier this month of two key Semantic Web technologies, the Web Ontology Language (OWL) and the revised Resource Description Framework (RDF), is "a huge step forward" for the Semantic Web, said W3C's Eric Miller.

The OWL Web Ontology Language provides a standard way to define Web-based ontologies so data can be described as what it is -- an enzyme in a biological application or a hotel in a travel industry application -- instead of as a document in a tree structure or other database abstraction. Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a set of rules for providing simple descriptive information in XML for implementation in library catalogs and worldwide directories, as well as for syndication and aggregation of software, news and other content.

See ADTmag: W3C brings Semantic Web closer to reality and a rather more detailed story at InfoToday: W3C Delivers Standards for the 'Semantic Web'.

Yankee sees spending coming at "Edge of the Enterprise"

A new Yankee Group survey found that 34 percent of I.T. spending this year will focus on outward-facing applications that improve customer and supplier interactions. One surprise in the survey was the vast preference for incumbent software providers - Microsoft, IBM and Oracle are the current industry leaders in this space. Traditional integration vendors, such as webMethods and Tibco -- companies best suited for business process integration -- were rated lower than the major infrastructure and ERP companies. See NewsFactor: Survey: Look Out for Enterprise I.T. Spending.

Versant goes into the black

For the first quarter to January 31, 2004, Versant reported total revenue of $6.4m. License revenue was $3.1 million, or 48% of the total. Services revenue for the first quarter was $3.3 million. Net profit for the quarter was $605,000 and the company had positive cash flow of $1.2 million from operations. Comparatively, revenues for Q1 2004 were up 9% over Q1 2003. Operating expense for Q1 2004 decreased by 2% from Q1 2003. See Contra Costa Times: Versant posts quarterly profit.

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